Service platform for electronic signing
What kind of problem was the project trying to solve?
This experimental project was aimed at creating and piloting a service platform that would enable electronic signing and collaboration between companies and cater to the special needs of the real estate and construction sector. During the project, a web-based service enabling electronic signing of documents, collaboration with interest groups, archiving of signed documents and distribution in the pilot environment was implemented.
Objective: developing a product and engaging users
Two central objectives were set for the experimental project: 1) developing a product for piloting and 2) engaging the central operators in the sector (e.g. associations, suppliers of service systems and potential client companies) in needs surveys and piloting the system.
During the experimental project, several central operators in the sector were engaged in the project as funders, partners and/or potential customer companies and the collection of the first user experiences has begun. The pilot of the functioning system started in October 2017.
What were the outcomes of the experiment?
The project was implemented according to the plan described in the project application. As a result of the experimental project, a service platform for electronic signing and cooperation has been created, which can be introduced in production once the security structures in stage 2 have been implemented. The service will make the electronic signing processes more efficient and enable secure sharing of information between companies. The pilot version of the service has been published and more information on it can be found at
Based on the feedback collected through discussions with stakeholders and other channels, it can be concluded that there is great demand for a service like SignSpace. Electronic signature combined with cooperation models enable more efficient signing of contracts and management of authorisations and approvals as outlined in the objectives set for the sector and enables secure communication and transfer of information between companies.