Residents in charge of a smart heating system
Enermix experiments with a smart control of heating in buildings, enabling residents to control the indoor air conditions.
What kind of problem is the project trying to solve?
In buildings that use district heating, residents are not in charge of controlling the indoor air conditions and have very limited possibilities of affecting the indoor air temperature. The efficiency of the use of the heating system is not yet optimal, and it has not been possible to reduce the total consumption.
Objective: Better indoor air at a reduced cost
This project aims at improving the indoor air conditions in apartments and creating apartment-specific heating control systems. The objective is to improve comfort in housing, achieve energy savings and reduce peaks in heating energy consumption.
What is done in this project?
The project collects practical experiences and tests a smart heating control system developed for residential apartment houses that the residents control by using a mobile app. In addition to the residents controlling the service, it utilises the demand-side management in district heating, weather forecasts and circumstantial information measured from indoor air to use the heating system in an optimal manner.
An API REST interface will be created as a part of the project, and it will be published on the APInf platform. This interface enables different actors to obtain metrics and statistics on the buildings participating in the project, as well as the functionality of the service and calculation models.
What are the expected results of the experiment?
A minimum of 10% savings in heating costs, a functioning heating control system for residents and the possibility to maintain indoor conditions at a required level. In addition, we want to create a calculation model that is sufficiently accurate and fair to allocate the heating costs to apartments on a monthly basis.
Who benefits?
The results of the experiment primarily benefit the owner and residents of the property. The information available on the open interface benefits various actors. The information obtained in the project is available for research purposes, revision of the functionality of the calculation model, further development of the service and the development of new services, for example.