Passive moisture sensor to manage issues with moisture
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences test various types of RFID moisture sensors to enable future buildings to give an immediate alert of moisture penetration.
What kind of problem is the project trying to solve?
Moisture in buildings poses a huge problem in Finland and elsewhere. The issues that moisture causes incur considerable costs to the society as the resulting mould deteriorates the quality of indoor air and often causes various kinds of illnesses and other health problems to those exposed to it. The project develops a method for detecting moisture at an early stage by using passive RFID moisture sensors which would allow appropriate measures to be taken in a timely manner.
At the moment, the providers of moisture sensors and measurement services are fairly small and dispersed, and the awareness of RFID sensor installations in the construction industry is poor. Both domestic and international markets are large due to the unbearable situation caused by moisture in buildings.
Objective: Taking control of problems with moisture
The main objective of the project is to equip buildings with passive RFID moisture sensors in the future, allowing the moisture data they provide to be used optimally. The benefits of passive RFID sensors are their low cost, battery-free and wireless operation that enable them to operate inside of the structure, hidden from sight, virtually indefinitely.
Passive RFID moisture sensors are an IoT (Internet of Things) application. The data provided by a high number of sensors is transmitted to a cloud service and BIM, where it is available to be transferred to the operators who need the moisture data. The sensor solution to be developed in the project must be easy to purchase and economically priced from the point of view of the purchaser.
What is done in this project?
In the experiment, one or two pilot objects are equipped with passive RFID moisture sensors, and the data provided by sensors from different manufacturers will be read by using the readers of the respective manufacturers and transferred to a BIM. Alternative service and pricing options will be presented to purchasers in the project. The pilot objects make it possible to look for the best all-in-one service solutions for customers.
Expected results?
The project results in information and experience in the functionality of the system and the customers’ needs for new services. The project also provides a building or buildings equipped with the sensors of four sensor providers for future experiments and studies for long-term monitoring and sensor testing. Installed sensors and their locations will be documented and the document will be publicly available.
Who benefits?
The experiment benefits owners, builders and residents of the buildings. The owners will receive information on the condition of the building during its entire lifecycle, the builders can verify the quality of their work, and the people living in the building are ensured of the good quality of the indoor air.