Mobile safety: a safety system for construction sites
The Rateko project involves producing a comprehensive safety system for construction sites as a mobile solution
What kind of problem is the project trying to solve?
The experiment will increase the amount of safety information on construction sites and makes it easier to share it. In the project, we will create a system that helps facilitate the updating and availability of safety information and enables an engaging and equal dissemination of the information to the people working at the construction site.
The experiment involves the testing of methods of informing all workers at a construction site of analysed reasons behind accidents and the use of the information in preventing further accidents. Later, this information can be used extensively in research, training and the development of safety in the sector.
Objective: A comprehensive safety system
The main objective of the project is to create a comprehensive real-time safety system for construction sites as a mobile solution. The mobile solution promotes the flow of information within the construction site, identification of risks and the role of individual workers in ensuring safety and preventing accidents.
The open interface enables further development of the system, as well as the creation of company-specific add-ons.
What is done in this project?
The project tests a comprehensive approach to improving occupational safety. We will experiment with linking the production planning information of the site, data models, accident information, GPS location and task-specific information entered by a worker to the mobile solution.
The worker and task are identified by using the data entered into the system, and the task-specific safety instructions are delivered to the worker. The worker observes risks and receives alerts that warn of the particular risks involved in the task at hand. Any safety related questions from the worker are forwarded directly to their supervisors, and the worker gets their answers in real time. In addition, IoT sensors will help add information on the safety of the site to the system and guide the worker with the help of this information.
What are the expected results of the experiment?
The mobile solution produced in the experiment will make the safety measures at a construction site more engaging in real time, reducing the number of accidents.
Who benefits?
The entire construction sector.
Mobile safety
Implemented by The education centre for construction sector RATEKO