Mass digitalisation of municipal building permit data
In the experiment, the municipality of Hollola will digitalise building permit data and create a mass digitalisation model to meet the needs of municipalities.
What kind of problem is the project trying to solve?
Municipalities have vast amounts of information related to buildings archived as hard copies. The usage value of information on hard copies is poor, and it will further deteriorate in the course of time. However, building information is sought after because both the customers of the municipality and municipal operators need it.
Objective: Ease of use of building information
Electronic material is far more usable for both the municipality and its customers than information archived on hard copies. The experiment will provide information on the usability of mass digitalisation in handling building control information.
What is done in this project?
In the experiment, a predetermined portion of the building control materials of the municipality Hollola will be digitalised without major preparations. The digitalised materials will then be processed by using a document management tool to sort the licence materials under permanent building numbers in a usable format.
What are the expected results of the experiment?
The end product of the project is a mass digitalisation method that makes it possible to start a follow-up project in Hollola to digitalise all building control information within the following three years.
In addition, the project will result in a data model that can be shared for public use. The project also provides information that will serve as a basis for scaling the results for use on a national level.
Who benefits?
The municipality and residents of Hollola and all municipalities in Finland that keep archives of building control information as hard copies.