Instructions for the definition of the requirements for the open interfaces of municipal data systems
In the experimental project carried out by Evolta, instructions will be drafted for accurate definition of open interfaces of municipal data systems.
What kind of problem is the project trying to solve?
In connection with municipal data systems, the discussion mostly concentrates on the need for open interfaces at a general level, or their existence is simply stated. The idea of this experiment is to describe the actual contents of an interface and the necessary functionalities, features and requirements in an interface of a building control data system, for example.
Objective: Attention to the features of interfaces
The objective of the project is to enable municipalities to present their requirements for the software interfaces to IT service providers when purchasing building controls systems and to further develop existing systems.
What is done in this project?
The project aims at producing a document that contains guidelines for defining the requirements for an open interface of a building control data system. The objective is to achieve a coherent set of instructions for defining administrative interfaces to avoid ambiguity in implementation, standardisation and the general development of the transparency of administrative data systems in the future.
What are the expected results of the experiment?
Transparency in the municipal building control data systems.
Other related experimental projects:
Enabling the interoperability of built environment information systems in municipalities