Data models for the administrative process concerning road plans
In the project coordinated by Sitowise, design models are introduced into the administrative processes in road construction.
What kind of problem is the project trying to solve?
The objective of the project is to enhance the plan model used in road construction to better serve the administrative processing of the road plan. The work involves challenging the use of traditional plan documents as hard copies in the administrative process of road planning by using materials in the model instead of the hard copies.
Objective: Enhancing the plan model to meet the needs of the administrative processes
The work consists of studying the requirements that using a plan model in the administrative processes according to the Highways Act poses to the model and modifying the model according to the requirements.
What is done in this project?
The project consists of two phases. In the first phase, the modelling requirements and resolution of road plans and the method of presentation of the plan model for the implementation of the administrative process are determined. The existing shortcomings in the modelling requirements and the method of presentation of the model are fixed. National Land Survey is committed to providing feedback on the materials and collaborating in finding a good solution for delivering the material in a model-based manner. The material for the models is produced according to these requirements.
In the second phase of the work, we will test the administrative processing of the road plan using model materials in a pilot project and complement the modelling requirements. The administrative process is still based on hard copies of the material, but in addition to it the finished plan should also be processed based on the model.
The pilot project in the experiment will be the “Maantien 120 (Vihdintie) parantaminen rakentamalla Kortesmäen alikulkukäytävä, Espoo” (Improving the public road no. 120 [Vihdintie] by building an underpass in Kortesmäki, Espoo) road plan. The planning of this project started in late 2017.
What are the expected results of the experiment?
In the first phase of the project, preliminary administrative modelling requirements are created. As a result of the second phase, the modelling requirements and the guidance regarding the method of presentation will be complemented based on the pilot project.
The modelling requirements and instructions that result from the work can be integrated into the Common InfraBIM Requirements (YIV) or the instructions of the Finnish Transport Agency. In addition, a report will be drafted about the experiences, identified challenges and current issues regarding tools and software, for example.
Who benefits?
The results of the experiment benefit all actors involved in road planning projects from consultants to various authorities.