Better concrete through digital monitoring
The manufacture of concrete is a multistage process where mistakes can be costly. Formed by a number of construction sector operators, the Digitalisation of Concrete consortium is developing a digital solution that enables quality control for concrete from the factory to the construction site. Congrid Oy’s experimental project is part of the preparation and proof of concept (PoC) stage for the consortium’s operations.
What kind of problem is this project trying to solve?
Quality problems in concrete are an excellent example of the challenges faced in the multistage processes of the construction industry. The production chain of concrete from factory to mould encompasses several stages, during which it is hard to detect deviations through quality control. From one stage to another, quality problems may go unnoticed due to lack of information or insufficient control measures.
The quality deviations in concrete that have been detected in Finland, such as the casting defects in the Kemijärvi railway bridge and the insufficient strengths detected in the foundation of Turku University Hospital, have for their part motivated the development of a digital solution.
Objective: compiling quality data on all concrete into a single system
Our objective is to create a platform that makes it easy for construction companies to compile more comprehensive and detailed documentation on concrete structures. The data collected can be utilised afterwards to manage the drying of concrete and the life cycle of concrete structures.
The ultimate goal is to connect all concrete suppliers to the platform so as to support quality control.
What is being done in this project?
The first pilot will be launched in the first quarter of 2018. During the pilot stage, we will collect feedback from the construction sector operators involved about the project’s benefits.
During the project, we will develop a digital concrete casting log within the Congrid software package in cooperation with Rudus Oy. All concrete casting logs required in production can be designed and documented with easy-to-use software. The interface to the concrete supplier’s systems allows data to be transferred and casting work to be monitored in real time.
Who benefits?
The platform being developed in this project will broadly benefit the construction sector, as quality control for concrete is improved. Errors can be corrected pre-emptively when the quality of concrete is monitored at every stage of the production process.
Digital log for concrete casting
Duration: 10 October 2017–30 April 2018
Implemented by: Congrid Oy
Partners: Rudus Oy
Contact information:
Matti Huusko, Congrid Oy
Tel: +358 44 716 7201