As-built model using photogrammetry and laser scanning
The experiment conducted by Skanska investigates the possibility of creating a realisation model by using laser scanning and photogrammetry.
What kind of problem is the project trying to solve?
The documentation of changes deviating from the plan and re-importing them into the as-built data model has proved to be challenging. The experiment looks for a technological solution to this problem.
Objective: Experimenting with the creation of the as-built model by using laser scanning and photogrammetry
The objective of the project is to identify and document changes that deviate from the plan by using photogrammetry and laser scanning. We will experiment with a wide variety of different imaging solutions to find the most practical and cost-effective method.
The objective is to establish a method and process description for the collection and processing of image material.
What is done in this project?
We collect point cloud and image material of two pilot objects and create surface models of the material that we compare to the building information models of the objects. We analyse the quality level of the image data collected in building site conditions and investigate how the collision detection features of the software detect the deviations.
What are the expected results of the experiment?
We consider the experiment to be successful if we manage to record high-quality material, find a practicable and cost-effective method to identify and document changes that deviate from the plan and the experiment leads to further development of the system.
Who benefits?
All actors within the built environment sector may benefit from the results.