Apartment indoor data
What tangible problem is the project trying to solve?
Reliable normalised data is not available in a centralised location. A service that would make it possible to search apartments according to the interior characteristics does not exist. A scalable manner to scan the interior of apartments does not exist.
What is the objective of the experiment?
Our objective is to examine how the 3D data of an apartment can be used for creating enriched quantitative data and how it can be used in speeding up the sales/purchase process of the apartment, granting a mortgage and insuring the apartment.
What tangible measures will the experiment involve?
The Video to property data solution presented by CubiCasa is a scalable technology that uses video clips from a smartphone, processes them into a point cloud and floor plan, and identifies the characteristics of the apartment. The data derived from the video clip will be saved in the CubiCasa cloud, where it is available for customers.
What are the expected results of the experiment?
The CubiCasa AI/machine learning technology is still under development, which is why we use the existing Matterport 3D service and technology at this point to investigate the applications, target groups and business models of interior data. The service: www.asuntokierros.com.
Who benefits from the results of the experiment?
The real estate agency sector, urban planners, smart city projects, application developers and insurance services.